Crystal collection around the world

Salt crystal from desert Salt lake

Description: The pink color comes from a kind of bacteria living in the water of desert lake, making the lake like a heart.

Location: Wulan Lake, The Tengger Desert, Inner Mongolia, China

Thénardite crystal from desert Salt lake

Description: Natural Thénardite formed when the lake is dried and its composition is Na2SO4 (without crystallized water)

Location: Wulan Lake, The Tengger Desert, Inner Mongolia, China

Salt crystal from Sea

Description: The salt crystal formed at Salting plant. Because it contains trace amounts of manganese, so it can emit the pink fluorescence under the 256 nm UV light.

Location: Hainan province, China

olivine formed at Ancient crater

Description: Although Hainan island now is just a island in the sea, but in the past here was a ancient crater so there is olivine, a kind of Igneous rock located on the island.

Location: Hainan province, China

Garnet and Smoky quartz

Pyrite and Fluorite

Description: Pyrite and Fluorite are both Cubic crystal system, but Fluorite is incline to grow as Regular octahedron, while Pyrite is incline to grow as Cube. Here I collected not only another rare shape of Pyrite: The pentagonal dodecahedron, but also the pyritized Nautilus fossil.

Author: HuanyuRen
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